Electric rubric. Characteristic

Electric rubric – is a tool for stricting the processed surface. They were most widespread to strict surfaces of wood, but also used for other materials, for example, for aligning the edges of plastic and others. Electric rubbans are chosen depending on their characteristics, the main ones are: they are:

The power of the rubank engine (selected depending on the sphere and the frequency of its use, the power of the rubbanes varies from the standard 600W to the most powerful 2000W);

The number of revolutions of the drum with knives (the higher the rotation speed, the more smooth and the surface of the surface is smooth and even. Engines, as a rule, are installed with a speed number from 13,000 to 18000 rpm);

The possibility of stationary fastening (when it is possible to fasten the rubbank to the surface of the desktop or workbench. It turns out a processing machine. This is done in order to exclude manual movement of the rubbank on the surface of the product. In this case, the product is dragged along the ruban, which is an increase in performance);

The width of the processed knives (the standard width of the processing knives is 82 mm, some models are larger, have 102-110 mm knives width. The size of the knife affects the width of the surface to be the surface, the larger the knife, the wider the processing passes);

The possibility of sampling quarters (such an opportunity is not available on all models of shirts. The device for cutting the edges at right angles serves, helps to get dense joint, without cracks, for example, for lining the houses of the board.)