Floor coatings. Comparative characteristics

Today it is impossible to imagine a good interior without a beautiful sex. It is very nice to feel a high -quality flooring under your feet. Therefore, you need to approach his choice seriously.

Materials for flooring can be divided into the following groups:

  • monolithic;
  • rolled and leaf;
  • piece materials.

The first category includes concrete, clay concrete, cement-concrete coatings. Representatives of the second type are linoleum, carpet and other. The third group includes parquet, a variety of stone and metal plates. The decoration of cottages is as necessary as the laying of flooring.

The choice of material for the flooring depends, first of all, on the functional purpose of the room. So, for warehouses, shops and other production facilities, monolithic coatings are more often used. Since it is they who are very convenient in operation and practically do not require care. The second and third type of flooring is in wide demand in the design of residential premises and offices. To date, there is a huge selection of materials and designers of these types of coatings – from linoleum to cork or coconut coatings.

The most common types of coating are carpet, linoleum, parquet and laminate.