By the installation method, two types of stretch ceilings can also be distinguished: stretch ceilings of hot and cold installation. I would like to note that this classification of stretch ceilings is directly related to the previous classification, which you yourself will see for yourself now.
Cold installation ceilings include all types of fabric stretch ceilings. The process of their installation itself is very reminiscent of the process of pulling the canom on the frame. Recently, a novelty has appeared on the stretch ceilings market, which can be safely attributed to the type of stretch ceilings of the cold installation – PVC film.
Hot installation ceilings are all types of suspended ceilings that cannot be attributed to fabric. They, as a rule, are film, which are installed using gas heating equipment, which is very often called a gun.
The installation process of this kind of canvas is quite simple: the ceiling is fixed in the baguette and it is warmed up to a sufficiently high temperature. The fact is that under its influence the canvas will become very plastic and it can be stretched to the desired size, in which it will remain after the temperature drops.
Everything is extremely simple, but there is one important point-you need to pay attention to which gas equipment is used, but the company-will be taken care of this.