A striking connection of seemingly absolutely incompatible things is promoted by manufacturers of such facing material as tiles and stone. The ultramodern trend in the field of repair is their flexible and soft options. The main advantages of such innovative facing materials are simple and quick installation, elasticity, which allows you not to worry due to the possible appearance of dents and chips, high heat and sound insulation characteristics, durability.
Soft tiles and flexible stone
Soft tiles and flexible stone, in addition to excellent performance, have such an advantage as the lack of need to specially prepare the surface for them. Thanks to their properties, they perfectly cover the walls and naturally smooth out all the bumps. In addition, such materials create an amazing effect in the room: soft tiles are ideal for decorating bar zones and boudoirs, and a flexible stone looks great in living rooms. Another advantage of flexible stone – the frescoes inflicted on its surface gain an amazing “naturalness” and a special relief.
Facing film with a multilanticine effect (3D film)
An interesting novelty of recent times is also a facing film with a multilanticine effect or, in other words, with a 3D effect. Such vinyl films, applied to the wall or ceiling surface, create an indescribable illusion of movement and flow of fragments of the depicted pattern. With the help of this material, the most unrealistic design ideas can be realized.