Independent fireplace cladding: what you need to know
Fines cladding with natural stone – marble or granite – will give it solidity and noble view. This work is possible only to professionals who have extensive experience working with stones. In addition, when performing this cladding, special tools will be needed. A more economical version of the fireplace cladding – shell -brown, rubble stone or limestone.
The fireplace cladding using drywall sheets is carried out directly on the frame from vertical and horizontal rails. The joints between the available sheets are covered with a special mounting tape, which is previously saturated with a solution of gypsum.
Also, artificial stone is increasingly used for high -quality fireplace cladding. This finishing material is relatively inexpensive, has a low weight and looks good. Finishing work with its use is similar to the methodology of laying ceramic tiles. Therefore, special knowledge and skills is not required.