If we talk about creating a normal situation in office premises, you should pay special attention to the ventilation system.
In general, the installation of ventilation systems should be trusted precisely to professionals, because, no matter how trite all this sounds, but a poorly mounted ventilation system turns the work in the office into real hell.
It is very convenient to hide ventilation stains and sleeves in special boxes, which hide the system and do not spoil the aesthetic type of offices. Moreover, one of the most convenient and simple materials is used for this – drywall.
The charm of this material is that it:
Firstly, it does not pose a danger to human health.
Secondly, after working with it there is a very small amount of construction waste.
Thirdly, it is easy to work, but has a huge number of advantages.
In addition, if it is necessary to replace the ventilation sleeve, or other details, there will be no need to completely dismantle the finish. Part of the Gipper can always be easily dismantled, and it is also easy to restore without damaging the main finish.