How to care for linoleum with your means

Increase in linoleum service life with thorough care

In order not to damage the linoleum to the legs of the furniture, it is recommended to cover them with felt, but in no case do not use rubber, since it will leave traces of black, which are quite difficult to wash off. Wash linoleum with alcohol -containing agents. If spots appear, then they need to be removed immediately. Linoleum is not advised to be spread in that part of the apartment where the sun’s rays will directly fall on it.

Linoleum is also afraid of low temperatures. At the entrance to the linoleum, it is better to put a dry rag, since it does not tolerate a wet state. To keep the drawing on linoleum, you should wash it with warm and not hot water. Olifa or linseed oil will help to give Linoleum a beautiful look if you wipe them at least once a month. And once a year it would be nice to wipe it with kerosene.  There are cases when linoleum swells, then it is necessary to pierce the bubbles, release air, and then put a sheet of paper on a linoleum and iron the iron. The site that is hopelessly spoiled is to replace. Therefore, when buying linoleum, leave a small stock.