In what shades are natural tiles

Features of some colors of natural tile

The natural color of ceramic tiles is the tone of burned red clay with shades of brick, copper, chestnut. Color sometimes depends on the place of the natural origin of the raw material. Other colors, for example, gray, brown, anthracite are achieved by pigmentation of raw materials or Angobus. Angob – powder clay mixed with water and various mineral components. The surface of the tile becomes more smooth, and the cost increases from this.

The most expensive colored tiles: blue, yellow, cherry is a chemical way. But it requires additional protection – applying the glaze. Glaze – vitreous mass of metals oxides, which is applied before firing and gives the tile a characteristic glossy shine. Such manipulations with tiles are carried out for a reason. Natural tiles without covering have a weak place: over time, its surface is aging, darkens, fades, growing moss, changes the appearance. The glaze does not pass the liquid and gases, protects the tiles of pollution, the appearance of a patina, but the strength of the tiles from this does not change.