What technologies improve the appearance of the home
New technologies and a fresh look at the usual things allow designers to create innovative finishing materials. Concrete has long become a favorite means of decorating the premises of many designers, and it is not surprising, because it looks stylish and modern, carrying the aesthetics of industrial design so relevant today. However, the designers stepped even further, offering light -conducting concrete, wallpaper for concrete and artistic processing of concrete.
Light -conducting concretelitracon (Litracon)
Litraacon (Light -Transmitts Concrete or Light Conductive Concrete) – the invention of the Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi. Thanks to the optical fiber included in the litracon, this material is able to pass the light, even being a few meters into thickness, while not inferior in strength to concrete. And the most interesting thing is the game of light and shadows, which is formed indoors, as well as the silhouettes of the external world, appearing on the walls of litratacon. The only minus of the material is its high price, making it inaccessible.