Real estate in Bulgaria

Everyone knows that one of the best investments of capital is real estate. In this regard, Bulgaria is just perfect. In addition to the fact that this is a foreigner, Bulgaria is relatively close. It is enough to sit on an airplane and after two hours to be in Sofia – the capital of the country. The low cost of real estate plays an important role. Whether it is an apartment, a cottage or apartments – prices are equally low. At present, as a result of the crisis, prices fell by 25 percent, which made the acquisition of real estate even more affordable. It is unlikely that you can find real estate cheaper throughout Europe. The apartment can be purchased for just 13-15 thousand euros.

Real estate in Bulgaria is a guarantee of economic stability and lack of inflation. The very location of the country is of great value in terms of resort recreation. Summer – it’s time to relax on the sea coast, winter is an abundance of ski resorts. Soft warm winters and pleasant, non -fingered summer is suitable for a person of any age. For those who do not live constantly in Bulgaria, real estate is a good source of income. By renting housing to tourists, you can get real, significant income. Real estate in Bulgaria is financial well -being and the possibility of a wonderful vacation for the whole family.