Today where do not go, everywhere there is one advertising, for example, if we go to the pharmacy, then almost all the walls and windows are clogged with posters. The same goes for stores. More recently, another, new type of advertising appeared in Russia, which is called as Schell. What kind of new type of advertising is this, we will tell you a little below. Schells are cardboard, or small plastic panels located in stores next to the product to which they are related. These panels can also be placed on top and from below the sold product. Basically on their front side, advertising information about the product is published, they write what virtues it possesses and so on. I think these panels have recently seen more than once, because today Schelthotlo today is one of the most popular types of advertising something. Basically, manufacturers of products or products are not engaged in making these panels themselves, but third -party companies. These third -party organizations are printed on special equipment, which today in our country you can not buy. Therefore, manufacturers of products themselves cannot make them. At the moment, in Russia there are seven organizations that are engaged in the manufacture of these advertising panels, but the best -known is the light. Why they are the most famous, we will tell you below. Limprint became known due to the fact that shelftocers make no simple plastic or cardboard, but from the most high -quality to various mechanical influences. But as for the paint, the seal is produced in this company with the help of European quality varnishes.