Preparation for thorough cleaning of the room from mold
The first thing to do is prepare all the necessary materials for wall processing and building tools. What do you need: – building tools (spatula, brush, roller, etc.); – antiseptic (biocide); – copper sulfate; – “Whiteness”; – “Domestos”; – chlorine lime; – baking soda. Having prepared all of the above, you can safely proceed directly to the processing of the walls. To do everything right and get rid of mold on the walls once and for all – follow the step -by -step instruction that we have prepared for you.
Before proceeding to processing walls, it is necessary to initially eliminate the causes of mold, which are described a little higher. First you need to thoroughly dry the room, then make a waterproofing of the floor or walls, through which all moisture enters the house. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room, increase the distance between furniture.