The way to lay natural tiles depends on what depends

How to lay natural tiles

Grut-shaped tiles are laid on roofs with a slope of 20-30 degrees. With a smaller slope, the water resistance is not provided, and with a greater slope, the tiles can slide, t. To. Hold on the slope only at the expense of friction forces. It is placed on a continuous (from boards) base on a lime solution with the addition of glasses or on clay with cut straw. The thickness of the solution should be at least 10-12 mm. Laying goes from the pediment from left to right in parallel rows and parallel to the skate.

The peculiarity of the design of the tiles of this species is that the tiles of the lower row have advanced ends, and the upper row is the narrowed. They overlap each other by 1/6-1/3 of the lengths and ensure the water resistance of the sub-seal space. Laying cement-sand tiles is similar to a groove tape. Distinguish between two tins of tiles. Both types have tires for fastening for a crate and ears for wire mount. Differences are in the size of the protruding elements. In one case, it is 335 mm long and 200 mm wide, and in the other – 350 and 200 mm, respectively.