Wall alignment technology: what you need to know

Alignment of walls with large bumps

Wall alignment is an integral component of any repair or decoration of the room.  In the new rooms, everything is simple, because in order to get an even plane you need to whip the walls completely or sheathe them with drywall with drywall. But with regard to old walls, then everything is much more complicated.

We will talk about plastered old walls with drops from 1 to 5-7 cm, and also characterized by an uneven plane along the entire length. In order to align such walls, while without resorting to their skin and stretching the entire surface along the beacons, it is necessary to align all changes, as well as the adjacency to stretch. Naturally, we will not get such a plane as when lining with drywall, however, after the finish is completed, the appearance of a flat surface will be created, and it will be very difficult to notice the naked eye of the errors.